Trigger Point Therapy
A trigger point is an area of hyperirritability, a palpable nodule, within the muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. It is what most would call or describe as a “knot”. The trigger point could be several inches away from the place where they feel the discomfort or pain. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache.
Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage for trigger point therapy, the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.
The results and benefits of trigger point massage are releasing constricted areas in the muscles thus alleviating pain. You can experience a significant decrease in pain after just one treatment. Receiving massage with trigger point therapy on a regular basis can help naturally manage pain and stress from chronic injuries.